Techno Classica Essen

190.000 visitors from 41 nations became enthusiastic about the presentations of more than 1,250 exhibitors from 30 countries. The success oft he fair, especially the purchase made by the large number of international collectors and professional visitors, distinguish the Techno-Classica Essen as the global centre of the classic sector. Apart from its position as the leading commercial centre, the automobile classic world exhibition with 21 multifacted exhibition segments is also the defensive communication platform fort he automobile industry, suppliers, restorers, automobile associations, unions and service providers.
This year you will find the ROSIER Classic Sterne at two stands on the trade fair in Essen: ca 30 vehicles will be presented in hall 1a on our exclusive and broad booth and a smaller but just as fascinating selection of cars can be marvelled at on the Mercedes-Benz ClassicPartner stand in hall 3.
6th to 10th April 2016 |
ROSIER Classic Sterne | |
Norbertstraße 2 |
Hall 1a |
45131 Essen |
Hall 3 (Stand: Mercedes-Benz ClassicPartner) |
How to reach us
ROSIER Classic Sterne GmbH
Authorised Mercedes-Benz ClassicPartner
Authorised Mercedes-Benz ServicePartner
PO BOX: 9024
26138 Oldenburg
Showroom and workshop:
Bremer Heerstraße 267
26135 Oldenburg
Phone: +49 (0) 441 209 780 -10
Fax: +49 (0) 441 209 780 -29
Opening times
Monday - Friday: 08.00 – 18.00 h
Saturday: 09.00 – 12.00 h
No sales or consultancy outside normal store-opening hours